
The Connections page provides a logical representation of your cellular devices in one central location, regardless of Mobile Network Operator (MNO) identity, technology (GSM/CDMA) or its current location. A connection represents a cellular device and includes a carrier, rate plan, deployment status, data usage, SMS usage, location, roaming status, various identifiers (ICCID, IMEI, ESN, etc.), and other items that enables the cellular device to connect to the network.

 It provides a unified global visibility and control over your cellular devices through the following capabilities:

  • Unified Global Management: Provides a single access User Interface and API set, to all cellular devices regardless of the MNOs.
  • Connectivity Dashboards: Provides technical and business intelligence in one quick glance.
  • Inventory Management: Provides a detailed view of each cellular device including tagging, labeling, editing, searching, and batch update capabilities.
  • Lifecycle Management: Enables functions to activate, deactivate, suspend, retire, and monitor event log history throughout the cellular device’s lifecycle.
  • Usage Profile: Provides the detailed usage by the cellular device per service (Voice, Data, SMS).
  • Device Troubleshooting: Provides enhanced remote cellular device diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities.
  • Send and Receive SMS: Provides enhanced send and receive SMS capabilities.
  • Device Positioning: Provides a mobile-based global positioning solution.

Important location disclaimer: Network (RADIUS) location information is lacking for the following operators: Swisscom Switzerland, Swisscom Liechtenstein, NTT DoCoMo Japan, Vodafone Japan, Vodafone New Zealand, Gibtel Gibraltar, KT Korea, SKT Korea, Digicel Aruba, Alands Mobiltelefon Finland, Digicel West French Indies, Orange West French Indies, Cosmote Romania, Watanya Palestine.

CDP Configuration

The Connections page relies on the CDP configuration to be completed before it is able to display connection information.

Live Updates

The Connections page supports live updates. For more information, see: Using Connections for the first time.

What's Inside

This section contains the following pages: