Adding members to campaign

To add members to a campaign, follow the steps below:

  1. On  Scheduling/Starting a campaign  main screen in the GENERALgroup, click Campaigns
    The Campaigns screen appears
  2. Click on the corresponding view button  of a Campaign for which you want to add members.

    The campaign view page appears.
  3. Click Add members to add members to the campaign
    The Add members screen appears
    • The maximum number of members allowed is 10,000.
  4. Click on the Filter drop-down and select one of the following:

    1. Select All
      the things in an org are selected
    2. Select Tags
      • Enter the Tags that associates the members to this campaign. For more information about Tags, see Using Tags
    3. Select Search. In the Search box enter the value of your search criteria. For example, enter gateway in the search box to add the things that contain gateway name associated to it.

    4. Select List
      Click on the Choose an identifier drop-down and do one of the following:

      1. Select Thing ID/Connection ID
        1. Enter Thing IDs/ Connection IDs separated by commas, commas and newlines separated list or newlines separated list in the identifiers field or 
        2. Click Attach file and upload a CSV with Thing ids.
      2. Select Thing Key/Connection Key
        1. Enter Thing keys/ Connection Keys separated by commas, commas and newlines separated list or newlines separated list in the identifiers field or 
        2. Click Attach file and upload a CSV with Thing keys.

          The option commas and newlines separated list or newlines separated list allows you to uploaded text files apart from the CSV files.

  5. Click Submit

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