Changing Thing definition for a Thing

The Viewing a Thing page shows the linked Thing definition.  To change the thing definition for a thing, do the following:

  1. Under Viewing a Thing >> Overview tab, click change icon 

    Change definition screen appears.
  2. Click on the Thing definition drop-down and select the new Thing definition.  For more information on defining a new Thing definition, see Creating a Thing definition.
  3. Click Change definition

    Thing definition change screen appears.  The Thing definition change screen shows the parameters to be removed in RED and the parameters to be added in GREEN.
    For example, in the screen below you will notice that the present Thing definition ( < Connected Car )is marked in RED and the new Thing definition is marked in

    Any PropertiesAttributesAlarms or Methods that:
    1. Do not appear in the target Thing definition will appear in red text.
    2. Only appear in the target Thing definition will appear in  green text.
    3. Appear in both Thing definitions will have the standard   black text.
    4. In Alarms, for the States, if  the Key matches but there are differences between the States values (including white-space), the current alarm States will show a  <  (red less than sign) indicating removal from use and the target alarm States will show a  >  (green greater than sign) indicating adding for use. The number of target alarm States must be greater than or equal to the number of current alarm States, otherwise you will be informed of the incompatibility in  red text .
    5. In Methods, for the Notification Variables , if the Key matches but there are differences between the  Notification Variables values (including white-space), the current method Notification Variables will show a   (red less than sign) indicating removal from use and the target method Notification Variables  will show a  > (green greater than sign) indicating adding for use.

      If the target Thing definition has the option Auto defined properties or Auto defined attributes checked, then the Thing definition change screen provides you the option to Add the missing properties and Add the missing attributes.

  4. Check  Add the missing properties or Add the missing attributes to copy those options (in  red text)  to the target Thing definition (turns to green text)

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