Fire Trigger

The Fire Trigger action executes an On-Demand trigger. The trigger that is the target of this action must be a On-Demand event type trigger.

The Execute SubTrigger action is used to execute a SubTrigger event type trigger.

Both On-Demand and SubTrigger event type triggers can use all of the available actions on the node.

  • Subtriggers can define input and output variables pass data between the calling Execute SubTrigger action and the subtrigger.
    For information on defining SubTrigger event type triggers, see SubTrigger.
  • On-Demand triggers can be executed by the calling Fire Trigger action and by the Workbench from the triggers project window.
    For information on defining On-Demand event type triggers, see On-Demand
  • Both can be executed with an option to wait for its completion.

Parameter descriptions

Parameter Description
Action Input Type The options are:
  • Static - The Project Name and On-Demand Trigger parameters becomes available.
  • Dynamic - The Input tab Project Name and On-Demand Trigger parameters becomes available.
Project Name Available when Action Input Type is Static.
Select a project from the list of all projects on the current node. The project where the On-Demand trigger resides.
The selection ==Current Project== can be used to indicate the project that this calling trigger resides in.

On-Demand Trigger Available when Action Input Type is Static.
The On-Demand trigger to execute.
Wait for Completion The options are:
  • True - Initiates the execution of the On-Demand trigger and waits for the On-Demand trigger to complete its execution. This is referred to as synchronous processing.
  • False - Initiates the execution of the On-Demand trigger but does not wait for the On-Demand trigger to complete its execution. This is referred to as asynchronous processing. There is no guarantee as to the concurrent execution of the calling trigger and its actions and the called On-Demand trigger and its actions. Either one may be executed first or complete first. Any access to common resources, such as device variables must be understood by the application developer.

Input tab

When you select Dynamic for the Action Input Type option, an Input tab appears:

Parameter Description
Project Name The project where the On-Demand trigger resides.
Trigger Name The On-Demand trigger to execute.

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