Step 2 - Defining a transport map for the WebSphere MQ transport

This section describes the steps to define a transport map for the WebSphere MQ transport you created in Step 1.

A transport map defines the parameters that come from a trigger (your application) and the mapping or formatting of those parameters to fields in the message that gets sent to the WebSphere MQ data queue.

For this example, you will specify the format of the message as ASCII. Once the message format is specified, you will create map variables that will comprise the message.


It is assumed that you have completed Step 1 - Defining the WebSphere MQ transport.


The transport map consists of a collection of input map variables that you define. The plant floor engineer will see these variables when defining the trigger. During runtime, the PLC device variables are set to the transport map variables.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Workbench left pane, expand the node that you want to define the transport map.

  2. Expand Enterprise, right-click the Transport Maps icon to display its pop-up menu, and then select New.
    The Transport Map window appears.

  3. In the Name parameter, enter MyFirstTransportMap as the name for the transport map.
  4. Use the the Transport Type down-arrow, and then select WMQ.
    Only WMQ transports that are available for the current node will be listed in the Transport Name drop-down list.

  5. From the Transport Name drop-down list, select MyWMQTransport. This is the transport you created in Step 1 - Defining the WebSphere MQ transport.
  6. From Version Mismatch drop-down list, accept the default Fail.
    The Fail option will immediately fail any trigger event that has a version mismatch between the current transport map and the transport map that was used in the trigger.

Summary example device variables and map variables

The following table lists four PLC data values the transaction will send to the WebSphere MQ queue. These data values will be passed to the map variables you will create.


Map variables

Data Type























Creating the map variables

  1. From the Input tab at the top of the Transport Map window, select Add.
    The New Item window appears.

  2. In the Name parameter, enter var1 as the name of the map variable.
  3. Next to Type, select the down-arrow, and then select the data type that you want assigned to the name. For this example STRING.

  4. In the Length parameter, accept the default of 8. The value specifies the maximum number of characters in the string.
  5. In the Count parameter, accept the default of 1. The value specifies the dimension of the map variable (for this example a scalar).
  6. Select Add.
    A row appears on the Input tab with the information you added.

  7. Repeat the steps to add all required map variables:
  • var2 as a INT2
  • var3 as a INT4
  • var4 as a FLOAT4

The final Input tab will look similar to this:

You are now ready to specify the format of the payload and the map variables to use.

Specifying the payload

  1. On the Transport Map window, under the To Enterprise section, select the Format down-arrow, and then select ASCII.

    The Field Delimiter and Array Delimiter boxes become available.
  2. The Field Delimiter box defaults to a comma that is used to separate each ASCII string element in a message. Accept the default comma. The comma will be used to separate each ASCII element in a message.
  3. The Array Delimiter box defaults to an underscore ( _ ) character that is used to separate an array of numbers. Accept the default underscore.
    When you select ASCII, there are also Field and Details columns. These columns will contain the map variables from the Input tab that you specified in Creating the map variables above.
  4. Under the To Enterprise section, select Add.

  5. Select the Field down arrow, and then select var1 from the list.
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for var2, var3, and var4.
    The completed To Enterprise section will look similar to this:

    Notice that all four data types for the payload are strings. This is because the entire payload is defined as an ASCII string. The INT2, INT4, and FLOAT4 values will be converted to strings prior to insertion into the payload.
  7. If you want to add a descriptive comment in the payload, select Add one more time and then select $CONSTANT in the Field column.

    Now that you have completed the transport map, you can test the input values.
  8. Select Validate.
    If the transport map was correctly defined, a window that contains the map output appears.

    At runtime, the variables will be substituted with the values from the Local CPU formatted as ASCII.
  9. Select OK to clear the validation window.
  10. Select Save.
    The new transport map is saved tot he node and will be listed on the Transport Maps tab.

The next step is to define a trigger that use the transport map to send data to the WebSphere MQ data queue. Go to Step 3 - Defining a trigger to send data to a WebSphere MQ queue.