deviceWISE Cloud Syncing with Carriers(MNOs)

The deviceWISE Cloud syncs with the carrier as soon as when a CDP is added to the deviceWISE Cloud. This section will explain the various synchronizations that happens in between the deviceWISE Cloud and the carrier.

Initial Sync

Initial Sync is the process that occurs when a new CDP configuration is added to the deviceWISE Cloud. During the initial Sync all the Connections (SIMs) in the carrier side gets copied along with the existing data set to the deviceWISE Cloud. For more information adding a CDP, see Adding a CDP.

Daily Sync

Daily Sync automatically checks the status of the Connections (SIMs) periodically every 24 hours.

It is possible to configure the time when the Daily Sync starts.

The following operations are performed during the Daily sync:

Add: If new SIMs are added to the carrier, it automatically adds them to the deviceWISE Cloud.

Update: The fields including the Status of the SIMs are matched with the carrier values. If the values are not equal, then it updated in the deviceWISE Cloud to match the values in the Carrier.

Delete: If there are any SIMs deleted in the carrier, it will be deleted from the deviceWISE Cloud.

On-Demand Sync

On-Demand Sync is requested from the deviceWISE Cloud to sync all the updates happened in the Carrier. To perform an on-demand sync on a connection. Navigate to the Connection and click on the Refresh button. For more information on viewing a CDP, see Viewing a CDP.