Adding Device Profile
To add a new device profile, do the following:
- On Developer main
screen in the LWM2M group,
click Device profiles.
The Device Profiles screen appears. - Click New device profile.
- Enter the following fields to create a new
Device Profile:
Parameters Description 1 Name The name of the Device Profile 2 Description An optional description of the Device Profile 3 Global Check Global to make a profile global and it will be available across all the Orgs. It is set only by a SuperOps+ user.
4 Location Enabled When Location Enabled is set to Yes, the location reported by the module is donated to the cellular location decode provider. 5 Reads The Read operation is used to access the value of a Resource, an array of Resource Instances, an Object Instance or all the Object Instances of an Object. For more information on Reads, see Defining Reads 6 Bindings The Binding is used to bind the value of a Resource to a Property or an Attribute of a Thing. For more information on Bindings, see Defining Bindings 7 Application Server The application server is a specific server this is contacted by the Client during its first and every boot-up to initialize the data model. The first Application server must have the "This server" Server type. It is not possible to delete the first Application server if the next available Application server is not the "This server" Server type. If there is only one Application server, it is possible to delete it, but all Applications servers will be restored if a save is done to the Device profile without adding a new Application server.
8 Application ACLs The LWM2M defines access rights to each Application Server to access a specific object in the data model 9 FOTA settings The FOTA settings enable you to define the object, instance, and resource to read the current firmware version. For more information on FOTA settings, see Defining FOTA settings 10 CoAP The CoAP settings. In the CoAP tab you define the following: - Ack Timeout: The amount of time the deviceWISE Cloud needs to wait for ACK from the device on the already sent message
- Maximum retransmission: The number of times the message is retransmitted until the deviceWISE Cloud receives an ACK
11 Other The default SMS provider is selected for sending SMS messages - Click Add.
Reads specific parameters
Parameters | Description |
Object | The LWM2M object. |
Instance | The Instance within the LWM2M object. |
Resource | The specific object resource. |
Read on register | If the path should be read on the LWM2M device registration. |
Read on update | If the path should be read on the LWM2M device update. |
Observe* | If the observation should be set on the path. |
Priority | It defines an order to how the reads are made. If set to yes, the reads and observations would be made before the others. |
* If set to Yes, it is possible to observe updates (Read on Register and Read on Update) of specific and general paths. For example, it is possible to follow updates on paths, the path being an Object, an Object Instance or Object Instance and Resource. |
Bindings specific parameters
Parameters | Description |
Object | The LWM2M object. |
Instance | The Instance within the LWM2M object. |
Resource | The specific object resource. |
Type | Type defines which entity is associated with the resource. The options would be Property or Attribute. |
Application Servers specific parameters
Parameters | Description |
Server Type | Defines the settings of the specific Application Server type, valid options would be Self or Custom Third-Party. |
Security Mode | The security mode can be set to DTLS pre-shared key or no security. |
Short server ID | A unique identifier for each LWM2M server configured for the client. Valid options would be 1 through 65,534 inclusive. |
Lifetime | It is the registration duration defined in seconds. |
Default minimum period | The shortest time allowed between observation notifications. It is set in seconds. |
Default maximum period | The longest time allowed between observation notifications. It is set in seconds. |
Disable timeout | It is the period in seconds that the device must wait before registering with the server if the disable resource is executed. |
Notification storing | It is a boolean value that defines if the notification should be stored for future transmission when the device next connects to the server. |
Binding | The transport binding the device should use. |
Server SMS number | The SMS number the client may use to communicate to the server. |
Application ACLs specific parameters
Parameters | Description |
Object | The LWM2M object. |
Instance | The Instance within the LWM2M object. |
Access Rights | Defines the access of a server to an object instance. |
Owner short ID | The value will be one of the short server IDs from the Application Servers tab. |
FOTA Settings specific parameters
Parameters | Description |
Object | The LWM2M object. |
Instance | The Instance within the LWM2M object. |
Resource | The specific object resource. |
Encoding | The encoding to be used for the communication to the device. Options are Text and TLV. |
Device does not support DNS | If the device support DNS resolution, this value should be set to no. |
Transfer protocol | Protocol supported for the update, options being HTTP, CoAPS, CoAP and HTTPS. |
Check version on update | If the firmware version should be checked upon registration update. |
Set PMIN/PMAX attributes on observe | If the PMIN/PMAX should be set on the resource attribute. |
CoaP specific parameters
Parameters | Description |
Ack timeout | The length of time in seconds that the server should wait for the CoaP message to be acknowledged. |
Maximum retransmissions | The number of times the server should retry sending a CoaP message. |
Other specific parameters
Parameters | Description |
Default SMS provider to use for sms messaging | The default SMS provider to use for SMS messaging. The options will vary depending on the available providers. |