External SMS history tab displays the history of all the messages sent during the last 7 days. When the external SMS history is available, it displays a table of data detailing all messages sent and received with the time, date and user details.  It is possible to sort the External SMS history table items by column names (User, Sent time, From, To, Type, Status). The messages history can be filtered based on the type of message.

To view the external SMS history, do the following:

  1. From the Developer main screen in the CONNECTIONS group, click External SMS.
    The External SMS screen appears.
  2. From the date picker, select the date range for which you want the history. You see a history of the last 7 days.
  3. To filter it by the type of message, click the drop-down and select either Mobile Originated or Mobile Terminated. By default, both are included. For more information SMS types, see Connection SMS Tab
  4. Click Update
  5. To export the results to a CSV, click Export

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