connection.find action

The connection.find trigger action is used to find a connection.


This trigger action is found under the Connection heading.


When dragged onto the canvas, the appearance of the action is a rectangle with two routing points.

The left routing point (red) is the failure route. This route will be taken if there is an error during execution.

The right routing point (green) is the success route. This route will be taken if action executes successfully.



Name Type Required Description
id String Yes* The id of the connection.
esn String ESN of the connection.
iccid String ICCID of the connection.
imei String IMEI of the connection.
imsi String IMSI of the connection.
meid String MEID of the connection.
msisdn String MSISDN of the connection.
thingKey String The identifier of the thing that the connection is related to.
thingId String The identifier of the thing that the connection is related to.
*One of the above parameters is required to identify the connection.

Action variables

Name Type Description
$(action.X.insession) Bool The connection's session status
$(action.X.sharedWith) Array It provides the orgs with which the connection is shared with.
$(action.X.locAddress) String Array The location address of the connection. The container includes the Street number, Street, City, State, Zipcode, and Country.
$(action.X.carrier) String The mobile carrier associated to the connection
$(action.X.apn) String The APN(Access Point Name) of the connection
$(action.X.custom1) String The value associated with the Custom1 field of a connection
$(action.X.sgsnNetwork) String The SGSN(Serving GPRS Support Node) associated to a connection
$(action.X.ggsnNetwork) String The GGSN(Gateway GPRS Support Node) associated to a connection
$(action.X.ggsnMccMnc) String GGSN MCC MNC.
$(action.X.ggsnCountry) String GGSN Country.
$(action.X.sgsnMccMnc) String SGSN MCC MNC.
$(action.X.sgsnCountry) String SGSN Coutnry.
$(action.X.dateActivated) Date/Time The date the connection is activated
$(action.X.dateModified) Date/Time The date the connection is modified
$(action.X.ipAddress) String The IP address associated to the connection
$(action.X.tags) String Array The tags associated with the connection
$(action.X.secTags) String Array The security tags associated with the connection
$( String The id of the Connection.
$(action.X.orgId) String The current organization id
$(action.X.ownerOrgId) String If the Connection is shared, then the ownerOrgid displays the id of the organization to which it belongs to. If a Connection is not shared then the orgid and the ownerOrgid are the same. For more information on sharing a Connection, see Sharing a Connection
$(action.X.permission) String The permissions for the connection in the current organization.
$(action.X.configId) String The CDP configuration id of the Connection.
$(action.X.configName) String The CDP configuration name associated with the Connection.
$(action.X.identity) String Displays a Connection identifier along with the value. For example: ICCID: 8901271224212337421, MEID: 91A1B9B1000000, ID: 53237c1afe2a110ab4deacf7
$(action.X.iccid) String The ICCID value of the Connection.
$(action.X.imsi) String The IMSI value of the Connection.
$(action.X.esn) String The ESN value of the Connection.
$(action.X.imei) String The IMEI value of the Connection.
$(action.X.meid) String The MEID value of the Connection.
$(action.X.msisdn) String The MSISDN value of the Connection.
$(action.X.carrier) String The carrier of the Connection.
$(action.X.terminalId) String The Terminal ID of the Connection.
$(action.X.isRoaming) Boolean If the Connection is roaming or not.
$(action.X.ratePlan) String The rate plan used by the Connection.
$(action.X.ratePlanId) String The rate plan id used by the Connection.
$(action.X.status) String The status of the Connection.
$(action.X.inSession) Bool If the connection is in session.
$(action.X.session) Array Array of current session information. For more information on session, see the cdp.connection.find
$(action.X.ipAddress) String The IP address of the Connection.
$(action.X.dateActivated) String Connection activated date.
$(action.X.dateAdded) String Connection added date.
$(action.X.dateModified) String Connection last modified date.
$(action.X.dateMissing) String Connection missed date. A Connection is marked as missing if it is not found during the ongoing syncing process.
$(action.X.usageMonthData) Float The month to date data used.
$(action.X.usageMonthSms) Float The month to date SMS used.
$(action.X.usageMonthVoice) Float The month to date voice used.
$(action.X.estimatedMonthData) Float The estimated amount of data to be used, month to date.
$(action.X.hasDataUsage) Boolean Appears only when the Connection has Data records.
$(action.X.hasSmsUsage) Boolean Appears only when the Connection has SMS records.
$(action.X.hasVoiceUsage) Boolean Appears only when the Connection has Data records.
$(action.X.custom1-4) String The custom1, custom2, custom3 and custom4 fields represent optional values assigned to the connection.
$(action.X.carrierCustom1-4) String The carrierCustom1, carrierCustom2, carrierCustom3 and carrierCustom4 fields represent optional values assigned by the carrier to the Connection.
$(action.X.customer) String The customer associated with this Connection.
$(action.X.radioAccessTech) String Radio access tech (e.g. WLAN, GAN, etc.).
$(action.X.locLat) Float Latitude of the Connection.
$(action.X.locLng) Float Longitude of the Connection.
$(action.X.locAddress) Array Address of the Connection.
$(action.X.locFixType) String Fix type of the Connection.
$(action.X.cdp) Array An array of carrier specific information. Varies by carrier.
$(action.X.switchEnabled) Boolean Appears only when the Connection supports Switch system.
$(action.X.remoteAtEnabled) Boolean Appears only when the Connection supports Remote AT commands.
$(action.X.lastSync) Array An array of timestamps of when various elements in the connection were last synced. For more information on Last Sync, see the cdp.connection.find
$(action.X.billingPlanId) String Billing plan id.
$(action.X.billingPlanCode) String Billing plan code.
$(action.X.vasPackageId) String VAS package id.
$(action.X.vasPackageCode) String VAS package code.
$(action.X.createdOn) String Timestamp of when the Connection got created.
$(action.X.updatedBy) String The user that last updated this Connection.
$(action.X.updateOn) String The date when the last update occurred.