System Variables

The System Variables tab is used to view the internal system variables of the system for debugging purposes. You can also export the data for debugging purposes and update the values of some variables.

The system variables in a node vary depending on the type of product installed, the packages or extension added to the node and system configuration properties.

Some node types allow the update of certain system variables, as indicated by the Read-only column. Others do not allow the update of system variables and do not display the column.

Viewing the system variables

The system variables provide a view into the internal function of a node. The understanding of the variables, their values and the implications are advanced topics. You may be asked to view or record values of specific system variables when troubleshooting a problem or question.

The columns are sortable, by selecting the column heading. The columns can also be reordered by dragging and dropping to a new position in the table.

The trigger action System Variable Get allows the reading of a system variable in your application logic.

Exporting the system variables

The system variables can be exported to a comma-separated values (CSV) file as part of troubleshooting a problem or question.

To export the system variables, right click on any portion of the system variables table and select Export Data. A file dialog will be displayed, allowing to select the file location and name for the CSV file.

Updating system variables

Some node types allow the update of certain system variables, as indicated by the Read-only column. If the column is displayed, the system variables that have a Read-only column value of False can be updated.

Updating system variables

Changing system variable values is advanced functionality.
Incorrect settings may result in the node becoming unresponsive and unrecoverable.

To update a system variable that is not Read-only, double click the variable.
An Edit System Variable window is displayed:

Enter a value and select OK.

The new value will be displayed in the system variables table.

Example system variables

The system variables in a node vary depending on the type of product installed, the packages or extension added to the node and system configuration properties. The following provides an example of system variables that you might encounter:

System variable name Description
device.loader.suspend Controls the watchdog attempting to restart disabled devices.
  • A value of 0 (the default) enables the attempt to restart disabled devices.
  • A value of 1 disables the attempt to restart disabled devices.
device.count The number of defined devices.
device.license.in_use The number of active device licenses currently being used. This includes started devices and connections to server or listener type devices.
device.license.rejected The number of connections rejected by a server or listener type device because an active device license was not available. This value is incremented for each rejected connection and is reset when the node is re-started. The total number of active device licenses summed from all Device Manager licenses.
device.started.count The number of started devices. This count does not include Aliases devices, Global Variables or Property devices, as they are not included in the active device license requirement. The Sysmon package and Local I/O drivers for specific gateways do not require a device license.
hardwareid.guid The Linux GUID for Linux based gateways that have dmi support from the BIOS
http.license.in_use http.license.in_use - The current number of licenses in use. This is the same value displayed in the Acquired License Count parameter. For more information on HTTP API Server Licenses, see HTTP Server.
http.license.rejected The number of license requests that have been rejected. The total number of licenses available. This includes the four system provided licenses and any added (and valid) HTTP API Server licenses.
The license.XXX variables display information about the node's licenses.
When all of the node's licenses have an Expiration of <None>, the days_remain value will be 2147483647 - the maximum value for an INT4

For related information, see Licenses.

melco.qbfevent.cpu1.count Internal.
melco.qbfevent.cpu2.count Internal.
melco.qbfevent.cpu3.count Internal. The name of the node, accessed from the Node Administration tab.
module.description A description of the node, accessed from the Node Administration tab.
module.status The current status of the node. The value depends are the status of several items, with the precedence order as described below:
  1. Alert: Level if there are any alerts. The highest alert level is used if multiple alert levels are active.
  2. Attention Required if there are no alerts and the attention bit is on.
  3. Safe Mode if there are no alerts, the attention bit is off and safe mode is on.
  4. Suspended if there are no alerts, the attention bit is off, safe mode is off and system execution is suspended.
  5. Running if there are no alerts, the attention bit is off, safe mode is off and the system execution is running.
module.suspend This is set to true when system execution is suspended.
network.adapter.smsc0.gateway The current gateway assigned to the specific adapter. In this case, adapter smsc0.
network.adapter.smsc0.ip The current IP address assigned to the specific adapter. In this case, adapter smsc0.
network.adapter.smsc0.netmask The current netmask assigned to the specific adapter. In this case, adapter smsc0.
os.cpu.usage The percentage of the CPU utilization. Zero means the CPU is idle.
os.disk.DRIVE_0 Internal.
os.memory.bytes_free Available memory in bytes for the runtime components.
os.memory.bytes_total Total memory allocated in bytes for the runtime components.
os.memory.bytes_used Current used memory in bytes for the runtime components.
os.memory.bytes_watermark The maximum value of os.memory.bytes_used since the runtime components were started. Internal.
os.memory.usage The percentage of the memory utilization. System failure will occur when the percentage reaches 100.
pool.0.executing Internal.
pool.1.executing Internal.
pool.2.executing Internal.
pool.3.executing Internal.
pool.4.executing Internal.
pool.5.executing Internal.
pool.6.executing Internal.
pool.7.executing Internal.
pool.8.executing Internal.
pool.9.executing Internal.
pool.max_concurrent_executions Internal.
pool.queue.depth The number of work items that are waiting to be processed. If the number increases continuously over a period of time, the system might become overloaded. For more information, see: Troubleshooting node resource utilization problems and Runtime thread pool configuration.
pool.XXXX For more information on the pool.XXXX system variables and the configuration of properties, see: Troubleshooting node resource utilization problems and Runtime thread pool configuration.
pool.work_items_per_minute Internal.
process.memory.usage Internal.
publisher.prio[X].current_miss_ count Internal.
publisher.prio[X].iteration_count Number of iterations data publisher had run. The data event is evaluated based on data publisher. The number should increase by 1 every invocation, which is defined by the priority of the event. X represents the level of priority: 1=50 milliseconds, 2=200 milliseconds, 3=500 milliseconds, 4=1000 milliseconds.
publisher.prio[X].last_time The work time in millisecond spent on the last invocation of the data publisher.
publisher.prio[X].miss_count Number of iterations a data publisher had missed. The data publisher might miss some iterations when the system is being overrun. When the number continuously increases, reduce the system load in order to maintain the integrity of the data publisher.
publisher.prio[X].miss_percent Number of iterations a data publisher had missed represented in percentage.
schedule.periodic.cycle_iteration_count Number of iterations a periodic timer had run. The periodic schedule event is triggered based on the periodic timer. The number should increase by 1 every invocation or every periodic interval (schedule.periodic.interval) in millisecond, which is predefined by the system.
schedule.periodic.cycle_last_time The work time in millisecond spent on the last invocation.
schedule.periodic.cycle_miss_count Number of iterations a periodic timer had missed. The periodic timer might miss some iterations when the system is being overrun. When the number continuously increases, reduce the system load in order to maintain the integrity of the periodic timer.
schedule.periodic.cycle_miss_percent Number of iterations a periodic timer had missed represented in percentage.
schedule.periodic.cycle_overrun_count Internal.
schedule.periodic.interval The interval between invocation of the periodic timer.
system.platform_name The platform name of the hardware which the system is running on.
system.startup.time Internal.
trans.jvm.freeHeap Internal.
trans.jvm.totalHeap Internal.
trans.memory.usage Internal.
triggers.loader.suspend Controls the watchdog attempting to restart disabled triggers.
  • A value of 0 (the default) enables the attempt to restart disabled triggers.
  • A value of 1 disables the attempt to restart disabled triggers.

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