Adding custom payload

JMS-based, WMQ, MSMQ, and TCP transports facilitate custom formats for their payload data. A custom format requires the use of a client created Java application program that defines one or more methods to populate values for each transport input map variable.
When you add the appropriate transport to the transport map, you will see a Custom option to use as the format for the payload.


When you select Custom, the Custom Method Name box becomes available. 

You must type the method name to use to generate the custom payload from the input variables.

The method specified in the Custom Method Name box must have the following signature:
Parameter: DWCustomDataHolder
Return type: String

For the input map variables, the transform method is expected to use the input map variable names. An error will be generated at runtime, if the value specified in Custom Method Name cannot be found.

Related topics

Defining an ASCII message payload

Creating a payload of freeform text

Defining the XML payload

Adding a map message as the payload

Creating a transport map with an XSD payload

Using WebSphere MQ extended attributes