Base 64 Encode

The Base 64 Encode action takes any form of data and transforms it into a long string of plain text. The Base64 is a binary to a text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format.

Base 64 Encode is available as a part of Technology Preview Extension.

Input tab

Parameter Description
Binary The source of the Binary when the trigger action is executed. This can be a variable or be a constant string.

Output tab

Parameter Description
Encoded String The output Base64 encoded string.
Encoded String Length The length of the encoded string.
Base64 Encode: Example

This example describes a trigger that uses a constant value as an input. The constant is encoded to a base64 string. The following example shows the base64 encoding:

  1. Create a new trigger and set it to On-Demand event type.
  2. Create a Local variable and assign it to STRING type.
  3. Set Reporting to On in the Settings tab.
  4. Drag and drop the Base64 Encode in the Canvas Editor
  5. Drag and drop the End Execution (Success).
  6. Join all the blocks.
  7. Click Input tab, under Value, enter HELLO WORLD.
  8. Click Output tab, under the Value for Encoded String, select the LocalVariable created.

  9. When the trigger is saved and started, a report is generated.
    After trigger execution, Encoded String contains the encoded string.