Base 64 Encode
The Base 64 Encode action takes any form of data and transforms it into a long string of plain text. The Base64 is a binary to a text encoding scheme that represents binary data in an ASCII string format.
Base 64 Encode is available as a part of Technology Preview Extension.
Input tab
Parameter | Description |
Binary | The source of the Binary when the trigger action is executed. This can be a variable or be a constant string. |
Output tab
Parameter | Description |
Encoded String | The output Base64 encoded string. |
Encoded String Length | The length of the encoded string. |
Base64 Encode: Example
This example describes a trigger that uses a constant value as an input. The constant is encoded to a base64 string. The following example shows the base64 encoding:
- Create a new trigger and set it to On-Demand event type.
- Create a Local variable and assign it to STRING type.
- Set Reporting to On in the Settings tab.
- Drag and drop the Base64 Encode in the Canvas Editor
- Drag and drop the End Execution (Success).
- Join all the blocks.
- Click Input tab, under
Value, enter HELLO WORLD.
- Click Output tab, under the Value for Encoded String, select the LocalVariable created.
- When the trigger is saved and started, a report is
After trigger execution, Encoded String contains the encoded string.