Using an individual project's tab

In addition to the Projects tab, each individual project will have a tab when the project is opened. When you open a project you will see all the triggers associated to the project. The project tab does not have to be opened to allow triggers to execute.

When a project's tab is displayed in the foreground in the Projects window, you can manage the triggers within the project.

Follow these steps to display a project's tab:

  1. From the Workbench left hand pane, select and then expand the node you want to work with.
    An expanded tree view of the selected node appears.
  2. Select the Projects icon.
    The Projects window appears as the right hand pane with the Projects tab listing all of the defined projects.
  3. Double click the project.
    Alternatively, you can select the project and then click the Open button at the bottom of the Projects tab.
    The name of the project appears on its tab along with an indication of the project's state, either Started or Stopped.

A project's tab pop-up menu

If you right-click on a individual project tab, a pop-up menu with options is displayed:

The options from this project pop-up menu are:




Starts the selected project.
Alternatively, the project can be selected on the Projects tab and the Start button at the bottom of the Projects tab can be used.
This option is only available if the selected project is in a stopped state.


Stops the selected project.
Alternatively, the project can be selected on the Projects tab and the Stop button at the bottom of the Projects tab can be used.
This option is only available if the selected project is in a started state.


Displays the export window, allowing the selection of the items in the project (its triggers) and any of the triggers' dependencies to be exported.


Deletes the selected project and all of the project's triggers.
Alternatively, the project can be selected on the Projects tab and the Delete button at the bottom of the Projects tab can be used.
This option is only available if the selected project is in a stopped state.

A project tab's triggers

When a project's tab is displayed in the foreground, it provides a table displaying its triggers with these columns:




The name of the trigger.


The trigger event type, such as Data, Scheduled, On-Demand and so forth.


The trigger's state:

  • Started - The trigger is ready to execute. In order for a trigger to execute, its status must also be Loaded.
  • Stopped - The trigger is not ready to execute, its status is Unloaded.
  • Disabled - The trigger is disabled by a fatal error when processing an event or action during execution. The system will periodically attempt to start triggers that are Disabled
  • Starting - A temporary transition state while going from stopped to started.
  • Stopping - A temporary transition state while going from started to stopped.


The trigger's status:

  • Loaded - The trigger is loaded into memory within the trigger component and ready to execute when the trigger event condition occurs. The project must be Started and the trigger must be Started for the trigger's status to be Loaded.
  • Unloaded - The trigger is currently not loaded into memory because the project is stopped or the trigger is stopped or disabled.
  • Loading - The trigger is in the process of loading its actions and registering the trigger event within the trigger component.
  • Unloading - The trigger is in the process of releasing its resources. A trigger will not complete unloading until all execution instances listed as In Progress have completed.

Last Triggered

The date and time the trigger last executed.

Last Failure The date and time the last execution failure of the trigger occurred.


The user that last changed the trigger's state and status. All security requests that must be evaluated by the trigger are based on the access privileges of this user.


The number of times the trigger has ended its execution with an end success indication.


The number of times the trigger has ended its execution with an end failure indication.

In Progress

The number of instances of the trigger that are currently executing. The Max in Progress parameter in the trigger definition defines the maximum number of concurrent trigger executions allowed for this trigger. If more than this number are scheduled to execute concurrently, the trigger instances will be queued for later execution based on the Queue Size parameter.

In Queue

The number of trigger executions that are queued waiting to be executed.


The number of triggers execution instances that could not be executed because the number of trigger execution instances that are in the In Queue reaches the Queue Size parameter in the trigger definition. An increase in a trigger's Overflow counter may mean that the Max in Progress and Queue Size parameters need to be adjusted based on the trigger's event frequency and the trigger's execution time.

Avg Time

The average execution time of the trigger for the last 10 executions. This value is in milliseconds.

Summary of trigger characteristics and status

When a trigger is from the table of trigger, a summary of the trigger's characteristics and status is displayed on the bottom half of the project's tab. You can see at a glance the characteristics of the trigger and its execution statistics:

The additional fields beyond what is displayed in the table of triggers include:



Max in Progress

The Max in progress parameter from the trigger definition.

Queue Size

The Queue Size parameter from the trigger definition.

Event Details

One or more characteristics of the trigger event type. For example: a data event type trigger will display the device variable, a scheduled event type trigger will display the frequency.

Last Modified

The date and time the trigger last modified.

Last State Change

The date and time the trigger last changed its state.

Last Execution Time

The last instance execution time in milliseconds.

Max Execution Time

The maximum instance execution time in milliseconds.

Min Execution Time

The minimum instance execution time in milliseconds.

Queue Watermark

The maximum value that the In Queue parameter contained.

Queue Watermark

The date and time that the Queue Watermark is updated to its maximum value.


A summary of the trigger's actions, the actions' parameters and the actions' routes.

A trigger's pop-up menu

If you right-click on a individual trigger in the trigger table, a pop-up menu with options is displayed:

Some menu options will not be available depending on the trigger's state and the event type. The following describes the menu options available from the pop-up menu:




Displays a New Trigger window to define a new trigger. The option includes selecting either the List Editor or the Canvas Editor.


Displays a Trigger window to view and edit the trigger's definition. The option includes selecting either the List Editor or the Canvas Editor.
When editing a trigger, keep the following in mind:

  • When editing and then saving a started trigger, the trigger is reloaded upon save, causing all static variables to be reset to their default value.
  • When editing and then saving a started trigger, any trigger execution instances that are currently in progress will be completed before the new trigger definition changes take effect.
  • If the trigger is being edited by another person, you will receive a message indicating the trigger is locked but still available for view only access.


Deletes the trigger. The trigger must be in a Stopped state to allow deleting.


Duplicates (copies) the trigger definition. The option allows entering a new name for the copy of the trigger and selecting the project for the new trigger.


Displays a list of items that have a reference to the trigger and a list of items that are referenced by the trigger.


Starts the trigger. The trigger must be in a Stopped state to allowing starting.


Stops the trigger. The trigger must be in a Started or Disabled state to allowing stopping.

Fire Trigger

Executes an On-Demand event type trigger.
Also can be used to execute a Schedule event type trigger. In the case of executing a Schedule event type trigger, manually selecting the Fire Trigger option does not impact the trigger's schedule for being executed (Periodic, Hourly, etc.).

Purge Queue

Removes all pending trigger execution instances. The number of pending trigger executions is indicated in the trigger's In Queue value.

Generate Report

Generates a trigger report for the next execution of the trigger. The options are:

  • Selected Triggers - a trigger report is generated for the next execution of the trigger.
  • Selected Triggers Including SubTriggers - a trigger report is generated for the next execution of the trigger and all subtriggers "called" with the Execute SubTrigger action. This one time generation of the trigger report applies to all levels of called subtriggers. For example: trigger 1 calls subtrigger 2, which calls subtrigger 3 and subtrigger 4.

You can view the report using the Reports tab.

Delete All Reports

Deletes all trigger reports generated by the trigger.

Select All

Selects all of the triggers in the project. If you want to exclude one or more triggers from your selection, after using select all, press and hold down the Ctrl key,
and then click on the trigger's row in the table.


Displays the Export window with the selected trigger and allows the trigger and its dependencies to be selected for export to a file on the Workbench's computer. For more information on the Export function, see Exporting a project or trigger.

Clear Counters

Clears the execution counters from the trigger table.

Trigger table and option considerations

  • A trigger's state must be Started and the trigger's status must be Loaded in order for the trigger to be executed. If the trigger's status is Unloaded, then the project needs to be Started.
  • The triggers Successes and Failures counts are based on the trigger ending its execution with an end success or an end failure indication. The counts are not determined based on a trigger action having a failure.
  • When editing and then saving a started trigger, the trigger is reloaded upon save, causing all static variables to be reset to their default value.
  • When editing and then saving a started trigger, any trigger execution instances that are currently in progress will be completed before the new trigger definition changes take effect.
  • If the trigger is being edited by another person, you will receive a message indicating the trigger is locked but still available for view only access.
  • Some of the options can be used when multiple triggers are selected. You can use Ctrl-A, Select All, Shift-click, Ctrl-click, or press and hold the mouse button while swiping multiple rows to select multiple triggers. Then right-click to display the pop-up menu and selecting an option will attempt to apply the option to the multiple selected items. If the option can not be applied, a message window will indicate the selections that will be applied.
    For example, select three stopped triggers and then select Start.