Cloning a campaign

Cloning a campaign allows you to make a copy of a campaign, including copying the list of things that the campaign will operate on. To clone a campaign, do the following:

  1. On the Developer main screen, click Campaigns
    The Campaigns screen appears.
  2. Click on the Clone icon  corresponding to the campaign you want to clone. 

    Do you want to clone members? screen appears
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. Clone without members: Select Clone without members option to clone the campaign without the members
    2. Clone all members: Select Clone all members if you want to clone the members of the parent campaign
    3. Clone only failed members: Select Clone only failed members to clone only failed members of the parent campaign
      Adding campaign screen appears with the cloned campaign.
  4. Modify the parameters as needed.
    When Cloning a Campaign, the Email notification settings are copied. For more information on Email notifications, see Adding Campaign.
  5. Click Update
It is possible to select things/connections in the Thing View or Viewing a Connection and add it to a Campaign or clone an existing Campaign. For more information, see Adding Things to Campaign and Adding Connections to Campaign

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