
The Thing category provides actions associated with the TR50 feature and integration with the IoT Portal.

IoT Portal data model

The IoT Portal implements a data model that is the basis of the:

As such, understanding the IoT Portal data model is important for application developers (IoT Portal, external application, gateway) and also for users of the Management Portal.

For information, see Architecture of deviceWISE Cloud.

The Thing category provides these actions:

Thing actions and TR50 commands

When a Thing category action is executed, it results in a TR50 command being sent to the IoT Portal. The result of the TR50 command can be seen in the  API log.
This table shows the relationship between trigger actions, the TR50 command used to send the information to the IoT Portal, the corresponding TR50 batch command, if the trigger action is supported by the TR50 Command Aggregator, and if the trigger action supported by the TR50 Store and Forward (S&F) feature.

Action TR50 Command TR50 Batch Command TR50 Command Aggregator TR50 S&F
Add Thing Tag thing.tag.add Unsupported Supported Supported
Bind Thing thing.bind Unsupported Supported Supported
Delete Thing Tag thing.tag.delete Unsupported Supported Supported
Execute Method   method.exec Unsupported Unsupported Supported
Get Current Property property.current Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
Get Thing Attr  thing.attr.get Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
Publish Alarm alarm.publish alarm.batch Supported Supported
Publish Location location.publish location.batch Supported Supported
Publish Log log.publish Unsupported Supported Supported
Publish Property property.publish property.batch Supported Supported
Set Thing Attr thing.attr.set Unsupported Supported Supported
Unbind Thing thing.unbind Unsupported Supported Supported
Unset Thing Attr thing.attr.unset Unsupported Supported Supported
Send Raw Message N/A Unsupported Unsupported Supported

Thing actions timeout configuration

The thing category actions use a timeout value configured using a property value. The thing category actions do not expose a Timeout parameter.

  • The property to use to configure the action's timeout value is tr50.api.default_timeout. For example: tr50.api.default_timeout=45000. For information on configuring properties, see Properties file management.
  • The default value for this property is 30,000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
  • The property applies to all TR50 connections, the system supplied TR50 connection named "Default" and all user defined TR50 connections.
  • The TR50 category action Send Raw Message has the ability to set a timeout value. For more information, see Send RAW Message.