deviceWISE Cloud Part 4 - Connecting or Creating a Thing

If you already have connected your Thing to the deviceWISE Cloud, then you can skip this part and go to deviceWISE Cloud Part 5 - Viewing a Thing

Thing is an instance of the Thing definition. An Application token is required to connect the Thing to the deviceWISE Cloud. In the deviceWISE Cloud, a Thing is created after creating the Thing definition. Below are the five different ways a Thing gets created. This section will explain on connecting your Thing to the deviceWISE Cloud. Following are the two primary ways a Thing gets connected to the deviceWISE Cloud:

  1. Connecting to the deviceWISE Cloud through Auto Registration

    When a Module/Asset Gateway/Device Gateway connects to the Management Portal with a valid Application token a Thing gets auto created and is connected to the deviceWISE Cloud. The Application Token is generated in the deviceWISE Cloud and while generating the application token you need to link it to a Thing definition . Thing is linked to the Org that is used to create the Application token.

    For more information on auto registration a thing in the Portal, see Auto Registering a thing.

  2. Creating a Thing in deviceWISE Cloud and Connecting to the actual Thing
    • Using the Management Portal - New Thing button

      A thing defined by clicking the New thing button and selecting a thing definition with other parameters including the thing identifier, Billing plan code, VAS package code, and Tunnel hosts gets connected to the portal with a valid Application token and an identifier (ICCID, ESN, IMEI, MEID or IMSI). For more information on creating a thing, see Creating Generic thing

    • Using the thing.create API

      A thing is created when a thing.create API call is made to the Management Portal with all the required parameters. The thing connects to the portal with a valid Application token and the identifier (ICCID, ESN, IMEI, MEID or IMSI).For more information on creating a thing using thing.create, see thing.create.


  3. Auto Creation from a Connection

    An Application token is not required when a Thing is created for a connection.

    While defining a new CDP, if the check box Auto create things for connections is checked then it creates a thing each time a new connection is created with that CDP. For more information on creating a CDP, see Adding a CDP.

  4. Creating a Thing from a Connection

    A connection is saved as a Thing in the Viewing a Connection. Open a connection and from the actions menu you click create thing to create a thing that will bring all the features of a thing. For more information on Creating a thing from a connection, see Creating a Thing from a Connection.