deviceWISE IoT Gateway 23.01 Release Notes

A number of improvements and fixes were added to the IoT Gateway 23.01 release.


The 23.01 release includes changes made to the Workbench, Certificates in Postqresql Transport, IFM, Maximo Application Suite, OPC UA Client, deviceWISE VIEW, and many bug fixes.

Production Release Date: May 2023

New features and enhancements to existing features


  • [MAP-18521] -Import should be more descriptive of the progress and should be faster if possible
    Description:Improve speed of import/restore
  • [MAP-16547] -When importing a device -- place the "cursor" at the imported device or project
    Description:Select imported items in current panel when import completed
  • [MAP-18269] -Allow current report Windows -- Allows to compare runs
    Description: Added "View In Window" to report list context menu, allowing for multiple reports to be viewed at once in separate windows.

  • [MAP-18467] -Report Enable/Disable while trigger is running
    Description:Report settings for triggers can be set directly from the trigger list window without editing the trigger. The context menu contains selections for doing so.

  • [MAP-18663] -Input fields required for Certificates in Postgresql Transport
    Description:Enable SSL Certificates for PostgreSQL transports.

deviceWISE View

  • [MAP-18301] -deviceWISE View should offer priorities when selecting a variable for any widget
    Description:Added Capability to deviceWISE View to select refresh rate when selecting a variables of device.
  • [MAP-18302] -Create Widget to display images
    Description:Added Capability to the Image widget to support base64 encoded image ,The widget looks at the variable tree – pick the item and on change, render the image.
  • [MAP-18393] -Support for Image Management in view
    Description: Allow for managing images in view.For example, show images in "staging", delete image and add image from filesystem,  If from filesystem, customer picks the image and then it gets deployed to the runtime node in the www/img directory.
  • [MAP-18600] -Create Timestamp/Date Widget (Browser)
    Description:Created a widget to show Timestamp/Date ,widget that takes the time from the OS/Browser.
  • [MAP-18623] -Improve Heatmap widget in View
    Description:Added color picking based on data ranges

Tunnel Manager

  • [MAP-18618] -Generate new server cert if CA has been revoked
    Description:Added mechanism to revoke old cert on the tunnel server side

deviceWISE Runtime

  • [MAP-17950] -License Client configuration - List all connected client nodes (coding)
    Description:Passphrase is added to both license server and client panels. Clients are required to have the exact passphrase, if the passphrase is set in the Server.

  • [MAP-17949] -License Client configuration - List Device and HTTP license
    Description:License request will be sent on "Save", and the panel should be updated accordingly.

  • [MAP-18405] -Create service request for Azure Event Hub
    Description:Azure Event Hub service requests now available for creating and deleting event hub connections.

  • [MAP-18396] -support dwjson for ARM64
    Description:Added support for 64-bit ARM Platform to the dwjson extension.

  • [MAP-18388] -Not all log entries available in Exception.log compared to log entries in Workbench
    Description: added exception logging to exception.log on the fly, also added service API to retrieve log files.

  • [MAP-18527] -IFM crashes with older firmware
    Description:IFM IO Link Masters with older firmware will no longer cause connection and node issues.

  • [MAP-17883] -Report Enable/Disable while trigger is running
    Description: Added the ability to update and persist the trigger reporting setting on the fly. There is no need to edit the trigger. Reporting could be set and unset.

  • [MAP-17949] -License Client configuration - List Device and HTTP license
    Description:License request will be sent on "Save", and the panel should be updated accordingly.

  • [MAP-17738] -Log startup time duration in exceptions log
    Description:New log message on startup added to record startup time.

  • [MAP-17954] -Remove license consumption immediately after disabling license client
    Description:Passphrase was added to license pooling. If the passphrase is specified in the server panel, all clients are required to have the same passphrase set in order to acquire license.

Transaction Server

  • [MAP-18020] -Support of Kerberos in HTTP Transports
    Description: Support for Kerberos is part of HTTP Transport.
  • [MAP-18410] -Support Watson Transport for Maximo Application Suite(MAS)
    Description: Watson Adapter Supports Publishing Data to Maximo Application Suite.
  • [MAP-18501] -Add error messages to the mapping logs
    Description:Mapping Logs will be available for both Successful / Unsuccessful Transaction in Http Transport.
  • [MAP-18422] -Add MAS UI Support in Watson Adapter
    Description:Maximo Application Suite is now supported for IBM WATSON Transports.
  • [MAP-18438] -Add SSL Support for MAS
    Description:Support of SSL for Maximo Application Suite

Drivers and Extensions

  • [MAP-18359] -Remove OPC UA Client Pause, no longer needed
    Description:OPC UA Client driver will not act on the "Pause" device definition parameter. It is no longer needed. This will result in performance improvements.
  • [MAP-18528] -Add scaling factor for SineWave signals
    Description:New Advanced Property called Sine Wave Scaling for Simulation driver. This number is used to amplify the sine wave by multiplying it with the default -1 to 1 range.
  • [MAP-18484] -Add fly over help when specifying sensor ids in advanced properties
    Description:Tooltip provided to detail use of sensor list when creating new IFM IO-Link Master device.
  • [MAP-18483] -Add the sensor id next to the sensor name in the device var tree
    Description:Provided device id (in decimal) in variables tab for connected IO-Link sensor.
  • [MAP-18436] -Add Optional Message Termination Characters to 'Send TCP Message' Action
    Description: Added support to add termination character(s) to use at the end of the message in TCP Send Action.
  • [MAP-18319] -openvpn extension --- needs to implement updated portal PKI method
    Description: Add TR50 Mode to openvpn. Cert is signed and managed by Open server instead of self signed.
  • [MAP-17893] -Move 'Split String at Delimiter' Action from Sandbox to Core
    Description: Move "device state get" and "string split" actions to base product
  • [MAP-17892] -Move 'Get Device State' Action from Sandbox to Core
    Description: Move "device state get" and "string split" actions to base product
  • [MAP-17702] -AWS SiteWise Connector - Refresh buttom populates the access key id and secret access key
    Description: Previous access keys no longer show up after AWS SiteWise connection refresh.
  • [MAP-18169] -Add license bit for vpn extension (SRA)
    Description: Add license bit for SRA openvpn extension.
  • [MAP-18492] -Move Event ArrayData out from Experimental
    Description:Move array data event from experimental to base product.
  • [MAP-18599] -Device Action Block to retrieve a device definition
    Description: Added Device Info Action(under experimental group) to retrieve a device definition.
  • [MAP-18442] -Add Optional Message Termination Characters to 'Send TCP Message' Action
    Description:Added support to add termination character(s) to use at the end of the message in TCP Send Action.

  • [MAP-18598] -On deviceWISE Startup, telemetry data should go to S/F even if there is no Connection to Azure
    Description:If Azure IoT Hub is not connected on deviceWISE startup, messages will be placed in store and forward queue.
  • [MAP-18656] -Create Keyence Driver as Technology Preview Driver
    Description:Added New Keyence driver (MC Protocol)
  • [MAP-18645] -PLC Logic Events Missing was fixed
    Description:Fix event group for non PLC Logic Events. New group name should be "Device Events".

Issues Fixed on the 23.01 Release


  • [MAP-18399] -Backup utility daemon not executing
    Description:Fix issue with backup daemon failing to execute scheduled backups.
  • [MAP-18529] -Delete key accelerator firing twice in tables
    Description:Fix multiple attempts at delete when delete key pressed in list table.
  • [MAP-18412] -TR50 Node in search group not scannable on main panel or deletable if long name
    Description: Fixed issue with portal nodes connecting when included in saved scan search group but not main list

deviceWISE View

  • [MAP-18356] -deviceWISE screens locked up and no data is received
    Description:dwview screen locked up and no data is received b/c of browser connection limit, long poll limit is now set to 3 by default, meaning each browser can have up to 3 tabs of dwview.

deviceWISE Runtime

  • [MAP-18389] -Data Mapping Getting Disabled Even When Device is Started
    Description:Fixed data mappings stopping due to an issue with unrelated device.

  • [MAP-18427] -Data Mapping Getting Disabled even when device is started
    Description:Fixed data mappings stopping due to an issue with unrelated device.

  • [MAP-18400] -device.disable_load_protection property - devices in STOPPING state are resumed as STOPPED
    Description: When "device.disable_load_protection" property set to true - Devices in STOPPING state are resumed as "STARTED" state instead of "STOPPED"

  • [MAP-18300] -Store and Forward Profile Management Panel: Profile data not lined up with table header
    Description:Added FIFO configuration to Store and Forward Profile Management Tab to align columns to correct data.

  • [MAP-18581] -T50 Reboot on Extended Disconnect does not work on Option CloudGate
    Description:Bug fixed, now it will reboot on extended disconnect on cloudgate.

  • [MAP-18331] -Data Mapping Negative Success Counts after DW upgrade from 21.10 to 22.03
    Description:Fixed the decrement of the success counter on when mapping goes disabled.

  • [MAP-18619] -Rockwell SLC 500 - Global Variable reset to 0
    Description: Fix a optimization problem with Rockwell driver on array of structure. Array of structure is no longer optimized for performance as it shouldn’t.

  • [MAP-18375] -Node Crashed Unexpectedly in no-production time
    Description:The crash is caused by a reply that comes unexpectedly late, and the session is already gone. The reply tried to write to the socket that's already deleted. It was added a reference counting mechanism so it can only be freed by the last guy releasing the reference.

  • [MAP-18372] -Docker Gateways Unable to get licenses from license server
    Description:Docker and deviceWISE Gateways running in virtualized environments were not able to retrieve licenses from a license server due to a bug in filtering hardware ids. This is now corrected.

  • [MAP-18461] -Firing a data trigger and no logs and reports get generated
    Description: Fix a divided by 0 error in win32 extensions when CPU returned by OS is invalid

  • [MAP-18348] -Floating-point values only go to six digits past the decimal on Windows and AIX
    Description:Fixed TR50 only showing up to six places after decimal on AIX and Windows.

Transaction Server

  • [MAP-18318] -Running a postgres stored procedure leads to error
    Description:Fixed Execution of Store Procedure of Postgres. Note: Default parameters of Store Procedure is not supported at present.
  • [MAP-18475] -Http Adapter Store & Forward & SSL Issue
    Description:Fixed Store & Forward issue in Http Adapter, ie when http request is in S&F these message was not able to releases for the store due to response code. Fixed SSL issue if the request is in S&F.

Drivers and Extensions

  • [MAP-18330] -OPC UA Server - deviceWISE crashes while the UA Client is connecting
    Description:Fixed the crash on strings when STRING has invalid length value. Fixed to read up to variable max length.
  • [MAP-18333] -OPC UA Client - deviceWISE crashes when connecting to a Siemens S7-1500 the OPC UA Server
    Description:OPC-UA Client driver has issue with some special tags in Siemens S7-1500 UA Server. Issue has been resolved.

  • [MAP-18173] -Add optional Message Termination Characters to 'Send TCP Message' Action
    Description:Added support to add termination character(s) to use at the end of the message in TCP Send Action.

  • [MAP-18602] -Data Triggers on Peerlink device w Custom Publisher not firing
    Description: Fixed peerlink subscription stops working when OPCUA client package is installed.

  • [MAP-18696] -HTTP Sever can't render all that it has but HTTP Server (LWS) does
    Description: http server corrupts files that contains <DW string

  • [MAP-18428] -Remove OPC UA Client Pause
    Description:DW OPC UA client latest Packages will not have client "Pause rate" in device definition, OPC UA client performance issue was reported by customer due to this feature.

  • [MAP-18311] -Problems with deviceWISE becoming unresponsive
    Description:Rockwell listen device was not going to disabled on socket send failure, chasing other listener event to block. Now it will be disabled.

  • [MAP-18582] -Azure Event Hub driver crashing w current triggers run
    Description:Event Hub no longer having issues when multiple triggers run concurrently with store and forward not configured.